This specialist collection of orthopaedic footwear is specifically designed with extra height for children who require support of the lower leg, ankle and foot.
In the same fashion that an ankle foot orthosis (AFO), which is typically made of thermoplastics, controls or assists motion of the lower leg, ankle and foot, this specialist range of footwear, controls and stabilizes motion of the lower leg, ankle and foot, but is constructed from natural breathable leather materials. This provides an additional level of comfort for children who may have difficulty tolerating a typical thermoplastic AFO because of temperature or skin issues. The shoes are stylish, modern and practical and help children with special needs to feel included.
The shoes are designed for both active children, who may use a mobility device, and less active children who may require positioning and support of the lower legs and feet whilst using a wheelchair. The footwear has 4 easy velcro straps to assist ease of donning and doffing, and can be even worn without socks due to the quality leather lining of the shoes.
This range of Medica™ shoes are designed to ensure an optimum fit and provide all the therapeutic benefits of modern footwear such as:
extra support for the foot through an extended medial and lateral stiffener
a firm, very high heel stiffener up to the level of the calf to stabilize the lower leg and ankle
available as a boot with a hard, wide toe box to protect the toes especially for wheelchair users or alternatively available as an open-toed sandal
lightweight, cushioning sole with flexibility at the level of the toe joints to enhance toe-off and stride
superb shock absorption to prevent heel-pain
“Thomas Heel” to provide extra stability and prevent inversion of the foot
cushioned calf cuff to assist with firm and comfortable fixation above the the calf
The inner soles can be either flat, to allow fitting of customized foot orthotics, or have a pre-formed arch support for comfort and enhanced alignment of the foot.
Available in reversed last option. Please see your healthcare professional before purchasing reversed last footwear or contact us for a consultation.
​Our specialist rehabilitation footwear range is suitable for a wide variety of needs including:
Children who need shoes with extra support on daily basis, during therapy sessions or while using a standing frame and/or a gait trainer.
Children with very low muscle tone including those with severe developmental delays
Neurological conditions with high or fluctuating muscle tone such as cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, cerebellar ataxia
Children who need shoes with extra support and fixation because of joint laxity, hyper-mobility or connective tissue disorders eg Elhers Danlos Syndrome